Cerita pendek creepypasta

Cerita Creepypasta Mungkin kalian sudah sering mendengar tentang creepypasta. Berikut cerita creepypasta :  Creepypasta Lavender Town Syndrome Kisah Lavender Town Syndrome adalah kasus bunuh diri dan penyakit yang terjadi pada anak berusia 7-12 tahun beberapa bulan setelah Pokemon Red dan Green rilis di Jepang, 27 Februari 1996. Rumor mengatakan bahwa kasus tersebut hanya terjadi setelah anak-anak memainkan gamenya yang sudah mencapai Lavender Town. Musik dalam Lavender Town memiliki frekuensi yang sangat tinggi, hanya anak-anak dan remaja yang masih muda dapat mendengarnya, karena telinga mereka belum sepenuhnya berkembang. Sahabat anehdidunia.com setidaknya ada dua ratus anak dilaporkan telah bunuh diri dengan cara gantung diri atau terjun dari ketinggian. Sedangkan yang tidak melakukannya, merasakan sakit kepala yang parah setelah mendengarkan musik Lavender Town. Creepypasta ini sepertinya terinspirasi oleh pengumuman tingginya kasus bunuh diri di Jepang yang dikeluarkan pada t...

Depressed Killer ( Sub English )

 Depressed killer

One night, there was a person who was taking drugs, the person took drugs so much that he overdosed and he lost consciousness. When he lost consciousness he dreamed that a tall, big black creature was strangling his neck.

He realized that he was shocked that he had been in the hospital and had been there for almost 3 weeks. The doctor had claimed that his age would not be long but a miracle happened to him, he woke up in his coma but the doctor said that he had a disorder that made him hallucinations.

After a few weeks he was in the hospital he was allowed to go home because his condition had started to improve.

Arriving at home he felt there was something strange about the house as if someone had seen it but he didn't care. Oh, btw, this person's name is Jhons, he lives with his father, mother, his younger brother, Angel, and his older brother, Hans. Johns and his family live in the city. Johns is also a very rich person because his father is a very famous Lawyers in the area and his mother is a CEO in his company.

In the evening the jhons family gathered and talked about why johns could use drugs and overdose like.

Mother : Jhons why can you be like that? (While crying)

Jhons : Mom, Dad, I apologize in advance for taking drugs. At first, Johns was hanging out with friends but some of Jhons's friends brought quite a lot of drugs, Jhons initially tried once but Jhons started to get addicted. (While holding back tears)

Father : You have disappointed the Jhons family, you are in high school why do you disappoint Jhons

Then dad slapped John until his cheeks turned red. Hans, Angel, and Mother then broke up with Father who was already very angry. Jhons who has a disorder due to an overdose yesterday began to be afraid and very disappointed, Jhons then ran and went to his room crying.

Jhons shut himself up and shouted so loudly that it made the gathered family run and approach Jhons but the door to Jhons' room was closed. His family was very worried about John, but Father told Mother, Angel, and Hans to just shut up John so John would be calmer.

Then Jhons remembered the times when he used the drugs while crying in between his cries. Jhons heard someone talking to Jhons to just commit suicide but Jhons was there trying not to do it. The depressed Jhons started to fall asleep and had the same dream that Jhons had after the overdose, but strangely when John woke up Jhons saw a strangulation wound on his neck and after that there was a very strange sound. Jhons tried to calm down, but there was a figure that was exactly the same in his dream.

Jhons spontaneously startled and fell under his bed and saw a black-faced pocong, crushed, the shroud was very dirty and the smell was very bad. The Pocong looked at Jhons with a very sharp gaze.

When Johns was about to take his eyes off the pocong, suddenly Johns' whole body could not move and Johns lost consciousness. Johns woke up hearing the sound of moaning and soon turned into laughter ( Hiii .. Hiii .. Hiii ..) Johns was silent and not long after Johns heard something knocking on his door ( Knock .. Knock... Knock .. Dorrrr ) at the last knock Johns was startled by the loud knock on the door. Johns shouted but no one heard him then Johns tried to cover his ears but the sound of knocking on the door until the sound of laughter was getting louder.

Johns Mom and Dad were talking about Johns acting very strangely.

Father : Ma'am, how do we install CCTV in Johns' room so we can see Johns' behavior in his room.

Mother: That's a good idea.

In the morning Johns father and mother bought CCTV and wanted to install it in Johns room, but father and mother opened Johns door using a spare key Father and mother felt strange because Johns was afraid, Johns mother spoke to Johns

Mother: what are you doing?

Johns ignored his mother and didn't even look at his mother. Johns just curled up in the corner of his room.

After finishing installing CCTV in Johns room Johns father and mother came out and locked Johns room and did not forget to give food and drinks to Johns.

Johns sensed he had moved to a very strange place. Johns walked along the river and saw his grandmother carrying firewood. The grandmother looked at Johns with a smile then Johns approached the grandmother, but strangely when Johns wanted to ask the grandmother, the grandmother turned into the same pocong when she fell in the room. Johns then ran until he fell, but the pocong flew and chased Johns there he was silent and cowered in fear. When she looked around her she was already rather in the room, there was food and drink Johns then ate it.

But just as he was about to drink he saw that the water turned to blood and there were maggots in it. Johns spontaneously threw away his drink and ran to his basket and shouted (why are you guys bothering me what's wrong with me!)

Then after Johns stopped screaming suddenly someone answered the question with a very dated laugh ( Hiii.. Hiii... Hiii..)

Johns's father and mother were shocked to see his behavior getting more and more strange from running around alone and also talking as if he were talking to someone. Mom and Dad decided to invite a psychiatrist to check on Johns.

At night Johns heard whispers like someone was telling Johns to kill his whole family and kill himself. Johns then went out to get a knife and went into his father and mother's room, Johns had almost stabbed his father then his mother woke up and realized that Johns was going to stab his father. His mother spontaneously screamed as loud as she could, which woke up Father, Hans and Angel. Hans and Angel then ran to the parents' room with a very worried feeling.

That night Johns heard whispers and almost killed his father, luckily Johns mother woke up and realized that Johns was going to stab his father. His mother immediately screamed as loudly as possible and woke her father, Hans, and angel. Hans and Angel ran to their parents' room worriedly.

They were surprised to see Johns almost stabbed his father, then Hans hugged Johns body tightly.

Johns was then taken to his room again and the door to his room was immediately locked from the outside.

When Johns was in the room he felt the whispers coming again and Johns saw very strange ghosts from ghost heads, to ghosts with cat heads. Surprisingly the ghost just looked at him and talked to kill the two of them. Johns then banged his head against the wall several times to drown out the whispers. However, the result of the impact that made his head covered in blood and fainted.

In the morning his father saw Johns' condition on CCTV, his father was very surprised to see Johns' condition, which was covered in blood. Then his father called the doctor and canceled the psychiatrist to come today because Johns was very bad because of the incident.

The doctor then came and checked his condition. The doctor spoke to his mother and father.

Doctor : Sir, ma'am, it seems your child has amnesia.

Father and mother were surprised to hear the doctor's explanation. The father and mother also feel guilty because they think they are not good at caring for and educating their children. They only think about making money without thinking about how their children feel.

Johns' father and mother only thought that happiness came from money but his father and mother never thought about what their son felt. They are just looking for money every day busy with office matters. Until they never talk to their children because they are very busy.

After checking Johns' condition, the doctor ordered cognitive therapy because it can also cure mental disorders.

After a few months, Johns returned to normal but his mental state was still a little disturbed due to the drugs. His father and mother decided to lock up John's room.

In the room, Johns was starting to get distracted. The disturbance came from the pocong that fell from the roof, and there was also a woman who hugged her from behind.

When Johns was looking at the pocong, then suddenly there was a woman's voice behind him, when Johns turned around he was surprised that it was a kuntilanak. The kuntilanak then strangled Johns' neck, making it difficult for him to breathe. Johns almost lost consciousness and Johns also felt like his body was controlling.

When his body is controlled by spirits, Johns is like being in another world. He saw a beautiful woman dressed like a princess.

Princess King : What are you doing here?

Johns: I don't know why I'm here.

Princess Raja : What have you done to come here?

Johns : I don't know

Princess Raja : Try to remember again before you got here what have you done?

Before Johns could answer he suddenly came to his senses.

Before Johns could answer he suddenly came to his senses. Johns saw around him there were many large tall creatures and spoke to kill his parents.

Johns then tried to control so as not to kill his parents, but the constant whispers made Johns go out of control.

Johns ran and broke down his bedroom door. His father and mother heard a bang from Johns' room. His father and mother then ran to check on Johns' condition. When his father opened the bedroom door. Johns ran towards the kitchen, his father and mother followed him crying and shouting to call Hans and angel but when his father and mother until Johns was in the kitchen holding a knife.

Johns then stabbed his father in the neck and stabbed his mother in the stomach multiple times. Hans and Angel were shocked to see their father and mother dead, then suddenly the lights in their house went out.

Hans shouted: Johns you where brother is very worried about you

Johns : Why do you worry about me when I'm sick who's with me? There is not any  !!

Hans : It's not like that, I can explain Johns

Johns : Nothing explained. All is enough. Thanks for the wound!

Suddenly Johns stabbed Hans in the back.

Johns then looked for angel.

Johns : Angel, where are you? I want to give you a very beautiful surprise.

Angel : No, you are a bad person.

Johns : I'm not bad, but our parents were so evil. Do you want to be with them? If you want to be with them, show yourself.

Angel : I just want to go back to how it used to be !

Johns : I don't want to be like I used to be. Back then no one cared about me, even when I needed you all no one cared. I am tired of all this.

Johns spoke as he approached the angel under the bed.

Angel when listening to Johns footsteps he tried to be still and prepared a block to hit johns.

With great fear, Angel got out from under the bed and hid under the back door.

When Johns came into the room and looked under the bed suddenly angel hit Johns on the back but Johns didn't feel any pain. Angel looked at Johns like he wasn't Johns.

Angel tried to resuscitate Johns.

Angel: Brother!

Johns : why did you hit me?

Angel : I'm scared bro.

Johns: hahaha.

Angel: why are you like this?

Johns : actually I wanted to take you out of here but you hit me.

Angel: brother aware! Are you aware!

Johns : I want to be fully aware.

Suddenly Johns ran and stabbed the knife in Angel's heart.

Johns then laughed very happily because he had killed all his family.

After Johns killed his entire family Johns then came out of his house with a body covered in blood.

If there was someone Johns killed him immediately stopped dead. Johns killed people so badly that it scared all the people in the area and no one dared to leave the house.

When he heard the dawn call to prayer, Johns stopped to kill and allowed the people to pray Fajr.

Johns went to the forest for being a fugitive from the police. Johns intends to go out of town to do another serial killer.

In the afternoon Johns started traveling out of town in a stolen car. On the way, Johns was stopped by a police officer but fortunately the police did not know that Johns was a fugitive and left him alone.

Arriving at the destination city, Johns committed murder in a different way, namely by pretending to be a taxi driver and carrying passengers into the middle of the forest. After killing Johns fucked his victim.

After killing more than 30 women in the city, Johns began to smell his crimes by the police. The police also received information that there was a fugitive from another city who was on the run but the police did not know there was a Johns named. Johns there has changed his name to Joko. Police from the two cities began to work together to find Johns.

When Johns was about to come home from the forest, suddenly in the middle of the road Johns was stopped by the police for driving very fast. The police at that time saw Johns' behavior which was very strange but the police let him go. The police deliberately let him go because he felt that Johns was the perpetrator of the serial killer.

The police followed Johns to Johns house. The cop was stalking Johns and coordinating with other cops via a walkie talkie. While the cop was talking to his partner, Johns suddenly came and shot the cop.

His colleagues immediately coordinated with his superiors to surround the house. Arrived at the house. The police immediately broke into the house but when they entered the house the police only saw his colleague lying on the floor.

Suddenly the police car exploded as the police approached the car. Johns immediately opened fire on the police. The police who heard the sound of gunfire immediately ran and opened fire on Johns. Johns was only shot in the leg, shoulder, and body. Johns immediately gave up. Then the policeman took Johns to the hospital for treatment.

1 week later Johns was better. Johns was immediately taken to the place of interrogation, when in the interrogation room Johns returned to his former behavior. The police finally invited a psychiatrist to examine Johns.

The psychiatrist explained that Johns had schizophrenia and delusions. The police finally decided to take him to a mental hospital when his soul began to improve before a trial would be held.

Time in the mental asylum Johns behaved very nice and Johns like no mental disorders.

After a few months Johns began to improve and began running his congregation. The judge also decided to sentence Johns to death.

When the police checked Johns' cell, the policeman was surprised that Johns was dead. Johns hanged himself by tying his neck with his bed sheets.




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